Save Money With Home Insulation 

Are you looking to save money this summer and maybe the winter? If you are noticing uneven temperatures throughout your home and if your HVAC system is overheating, it may be time to check out your insulation. Air leaking in and out of your house is not desirable especially if you are looking to save money and energy. Insulation is a great way to seal up your home so that it stays comfortable and lowers your utility bills.

Insulation is one of those repairs that can benefit your home all throughout the year. Whether you're insulating your garage, walls, roofs, basement, or attic-insulation is worth the investment! When improperly insulated, a home loses much of its conditioned air, thus overworking your HVAC system and providing a less than comfortable home environment.

Why Insulation?

Do you feel cold drafts in the winter when your heat is running or hot areas in your home when your AC is running on high in the summer? No one wants to spend more money on heating or cooling than they have to so that's where insulation comes into play. Understanding that insulation and sealing up all those places in your home where air can get in is invaluable as you look to make your home more energy efficient.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) determined that about 44% of a homeowner's utility bill is spent of heating and cooling. Wouldn't it be great if this could be reduced with something as simple as insulation? Well it can! Whether it's with spray foam insulation or fiberglass insulation, with proper installation insulation is an easy way to reduce your energy bills over the years.

Insulation Installation

Installing insulation is a fairly easy job that many homeowners do themselves. Although this is true, it takes time and patience to make sure every area is being covered effectively so that the insulation can do its job. Getting a qualified individual or company to install your insulation is a great idea if you are at all unsure of the project.

Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation is a great solution for any homeowner looking to insulate their roof, exterior walls, or the underside of roof sheathing. It's made of liquid polyurethane foam and is sprayed on. Spray foam insulation is great for filling cracks or openings, and for keeping out the hot air in the summer and cold air in the winter.

Advantages of Spray Foam Insulation

Can get into small cracks and gaps in the area it covers
Sustainable over time
Can eliminate mold and mildew
Has a high R-value compared to other types of insulation
It is light weight
Fiberglass Insulation

Fiberglass insulation is made of extremely fine glass fibers and is usually installed in one of two forms- blanket or loose-fill. This type of insulation is less expensive than spray foam insulation, but may cause a skin allergy if you have sensitive skin which is a disadvantage. Overall fiberglass insulation is easier to work with and safer than spray foam.

For more information on insulation and how to save energy and money in your home contact the experts at Dr. Energy SaverĀ® Lansing or just visit


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